Sunday, October 10, 2004

Thus looms the portent of a deleterious backslide . . .

Every new week brings with it the worry that I'll just while away my spare hours surfing the world-wide weird, printing off impractical paraphernalia that will no doubt dominate my computer desk, and dutifully ditching my storyboarding class--- (it's been twice now! Curse my fallability!) Still, hope remains while the company proves faithful . . . (Any guesses as to the movie that's from??) I do have those plucky, bright-eyed beefcakes for roomies that manage to motivate and madden me simultaneously. Maybe they will be Sam to my fallacious Frodo?

Maybe I need to stop referencing the Lord of the Rings? I'm certain that the backlash from the Oscars and the trilogy's success in general has already saturated at least the western seaboard with a bad taste in their cinematic palate. Why? When the movies came out I heard nothing but good news except from a few stingy critics. I don't deny a person the right to their opinion, nor would I assume that any film is impervious to conscientious criticism, but I feel that, in terms of the latest batch of popular opinion, the Lord of the Rings is getting a bad shake. C'mon, it's Ian McKellen with a wig! How cool is that?! and who knew? :)


  1. I think I was the only person who didn't get a "happy note" from you yesterday...

  2. Oh, groovy. I wanted to see Shaun of the Dead but it's not playing at my usual theater. Oh, and I saw Taxi, and it's probably not worth shaking a stick at, unless you think Latifah's cool. She did a bang-up job. The rest of it is Jimmy Fallon being exasperatingly buffoonish. So, if you like oafmeal . . . :)

    And to you, Sammmmmmmmmmmm, I promise you'll get one next week, okay? I find I take waaaaaaaay too much time writing them, so it takes me all of Sunday to do just a few. You are the last person I would exclude. I mean, think of all the wacky things I could write to you?

  3. Happy notes are a little something our ward, that is, our LDS congregation, do to keep up the general morale/joy-joy feelings amongst the college kids in the local vicinity (as in our apt. complex). Most everyone else will write these little notes on 3 x 5 cards. I type them and add Googled graphics! So it's almost better than a happy meal!

  4. Er, it's LDS, or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The ward would be a local unit of the whole church. Ah, but sweet? No, that's your territory, m'lady. :)
